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Nanotechnologies and Quantum Devices’ is an international master program giving a high-level theoretical and experimental training on different types of quantum phenomena – with particular emphasis on quantum devices and nanotechnologies. In this research area, awarded by several Nobel prizes, the boundaries between physics, chemistry, materials science and engineering, biomedicine and ICT engineering have become blurred.
The aim is to create a professional figure having the complementary competences of a modern quantum physicist and a physical engineer in the area of nanotechnology-based quantum devices.
The program is completely taught in English. At the issue of the two-year program, the succeeding students will receive a double degree : the Italian Laurea Magistrale (Master degree) ‘Nanotechnologies for ICTs’ and the French Master Degree ‘Dispositifs Quantiques’.
After the master’s degree, the students can be directly employed as specialized scientists or engineers in High-Tech Industries, or start a PhD thesis work in outstanding public or private research laboratories.