and Quantum Devices
Nanotechnologies and Quantum Devices (NanoQuad) is an international master program giving a high-level theoretical and experimental training on different types of quantum phenomena – with particular emphasis on quantum devices and nanotechnologies.
The aim is to create a professional figure having the complementary competences of a modern quantum physicist and a physical engineer in the area of nanotechnology-based quantum devices.
The first year of the Master program is spent in Politecnico of Turin integrating the Nanotechnologies for ICT formation. The Master Degree in Nanotechnologies for ICT, besides providing advanced knowledge of solid state physics and about the properties of materials at the nanoscale, focuses on the « top down » methodologies and techniques with particular application of the same to micro-and nanoelectronics and the ICT sector.
The second year is realized in Université de Paris integrating the Quantum Device program. This program focuses on theoretically and experimentally study quantum systems. Quantum principles are exploted to develop new methods of calculation, information communication and transmission, high precision measurements. Fundamentals of quantum mechanics, quantum computing, cryptographic communications, optics and quantum photonics, semiconductor and superconductor nanostructures are the main topics treated in the program.
The NanoQuad program completely fits the objectifs of the Quantum Flagship european project, founded in 2018 by the European Commission, aiming at coordinating on a European scale initiatives related to quantum technologies in the fields of training, research and innovation.
The program is completely taught in English. At the issue of the two-year program, the succeeding students will receive a double degree : the Italian Laurea Magistrale (Master degree) ‘Nanotechnologies for ICTs’ and the French Master Degree ‘Dispositifs Quantiques’.
After the master’s degree, the students can be directly employed as specialized scientists or engineers in High-Tech Industries, or start a PhD thesis work in outstanding public or private research laboratories.
Master in fundamental physics:
Nanotechnologies and quantum devices (nanoquad)
Language(s) of instruction: English
Length of study: 2 years, full time
Partner: Politecnico di Torino
Course Location:
– 1st year: Politecnico di Torino, Italy
– 2nd year: Université de Paris, France (including a 4 months internship)
Degrees awarded:
– Master Physique fondamentale et applications parcours dispositifs quantiques, Université de Paris
– Laurea Magistrale in Nanotechnologies for ICTs,Politecnico di Torino
Entry Requirements: This course is addressed to students that have validated a bachelor in physics, materials science, engineering (with physics orientation) and to students of ‘ecoles supérieures’ (Polytechnique, Ecoles Normales,..).
Language pre-requisites: B2 level in English